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Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of Cyprus

 Position Full name Member Groupsince
1. Chairperson Dragomir Dumitru
since 18 dec. 2007
deputy - 18 dec. 2007
2. Vice-Chairperson Rădoi Ovidiu senator PD-L
3. Secretary Vărgău Ion senator PSD
4. Members Adomniței Cristian Mihai deputy PNL
5.   Băeșu George deputy PSD
6.   Frunda György senator UDMR
7.   Glăvan Ștefan deputy PC
8.   Ion Vasile senator PSD
9.   Jurcan Dorel senator PD-L
10.   Merce Ilie deputy PRM
11.   Mironescu Laurențiu deputy PD-L
12.   Niculescu Duvăz Bogdan Nicolae deputy PSD
13.   Petrescu Ilie senator PC 23 mar. 2006
14.   Strungă Emil deputy PNL 3 apr. 2007
15.   Toma Florentina Marilena deputy PSD
16.   Vasile Aurelia deputy PSD
17.   Verestóy Attila senator UDMR

Former members of the group bureau:

 Position Full name Member Group
1. Chairperson Codîrlă Liviu
until 18 dec. 2007
deputy PD-L

Former members of the group:

  Full name Member Groupsinceuntil
1. Semcu Adrian Emanuil deputy PNL 8 jul. 2008
2. Bindea Liviu-Doru senator PRM 4 jan. 2006
3. Andreica Romică deputy PD-L 3 apr. 2007
4. Codîrlă Liviu deputy PD-L 18 dec. 2007
5. Fotopolos Sotiris deputy Minoritati 5 aug. 2008
6. Nistoran Dorin-Liviu deputy - 16 sep. 2008

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania sunday, 19 january 2025, 4:51