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Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of Kazakhstan

 Position Full name Member Groupsince
1. Chairperson Alexe Costel deputy PNL
2. Secretary Chiriță Dumitru deputy PSD
3. Members Amet Varol deputy Minoritati
4.   Costoiu Mihnea Cosmin senator PSD 29 sep. 2014
5.   Palașcă Viorel deputy ALDE
6.   Tabugan Ion deputy UNPR
7.   Țapu Nazare Eugen senator PNL

Former members of the group:

  Full name Member Groupuntil
1. Adăscăliței Constantin deputy PSD 7 mar. 2016
2. Agrigoroaiei Ionel senator PSD 29 sep. 2014
3. Muntean Mircia deputy PSD 28 jun. 2016
4. Oprea Gabriel senator - 3 oct. 2016

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania saturday, 18 january 2025, 21:24