Friendship parliamentary group with Kingdom of Thailand

 Position Full name Member Groupsince
1. Chairperson Preda Cezar-Florin
since 19 dec. 2006
deputy PD-L
2. Vice-Chairperson Stănescu Cristian
since 20 dec. 2005
deputy PRM 20 dec. 2005
3. Secretary Apostol Neculai senator -
4. Members Ciopraga Mircea deputy PNL 19 mar. 2008
5.   Dobre Traian deputy PNL
6.   Ilușcă Daniel senator PNL
7.   Mănăstireanu Vladimir Alexandru deputy PSD
8.   Șerbu Gheorghe Vergil senator PNL

Former members of the group bureau:

 Position Full name Member Group
1. Chairperson Berceanu Radu Mircea
until 19 dec. 2006
senator PD-L
2. Vice-Chairperson Brînză William Gabriel
until 20 dec. 2005
deputy PD-L

Former members of the group:

  Full name Member Groupuntil
1. Bușoi Cristian Silviu deputy PNL 29 nov. 2007
2. Berceanu Radu Mircea senator PD-L 14 apr. 2008
3. Brînză William Gabriel deputy PD-L 20 dec. 2005
4. Pete Ștefan senator UDMR 13 oct. 2008