Personal data
Date and place of birth: 7 April 1963, Tartasesti commune, Dambovita County
Civil status: married, 2 children
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Law and International Relationships; Master's degree in international relationships
Political activity
member of the PSD;
executive secretary of the Arges County PSD Organisation; member of the PSD National Council
Parliamentary activity
deputy; since 2000, member of the Committee for Industries and Services;
secretary of the Committee for European Integration;
member of the Romania-South Africa and Romania-Saudi Arabia, and vicepresident of the Romania - Ivory Coast friendship parliamentary groups
Professional activities
Profession: legal adviser
vice-president of the Trade Union National Block;
president of the "Univers" National Federation of Trade Unions in Electricity
Languages skills
French, English
Address of the MP's office
Pitesti, Piata Vasile Milea nr. 1, et. 2, camera 94 e-mail:
telephone/fax 0248217517, parliamentary group 0213358897, Committee for European Integration 0213358894, fax 0213123615 deputy's office 021.208.5192, fax 021.208.5194, 0740095675, 0722303585