Curriculum Vitae
Parliamentary activity
2004-2008 (dep.)
voting records
You are here: Home page > Legislature 2004-2008 > Chamber of Deputies > Florin Nicolae Muntean Versiunea pentru printare

Florin Nicolae MUNTEAN
Parliamentary activity in legislature 2004-2008

Constituency no.34 SIBIU
start of the mandate: 17 december 2004 - HCD nr.36/2004
end of the mandate: 21 march 2005 - resignation - HCD nr.12/2005
replaced by: Marcel Adrian Piteiu

Political party:
PD-Democratic Party 

Parliamentary group:
Parliamentary group of the Democrat Party 

Standing committees
Committee for Budget, Finance, and, Banks

Parliamentary activity in figures:

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania thursday, 3 october 2024, 17:41