Renică DIACONESCU Parliamentary activity in legislature 2004-2008
Political party: |
| PUR-SL | - | The Humanist Party of Romania (social-liberal) | - until may 2005 |
| when PUR-SL becomes | | PC | - | Conservator Party | - until jun. 2007 |
| | PNL | - | National Liberal Party | - since jun. 2007 - until sep. 2008 |
| | PSD | - | Social Democratic Party | - since sep. 2008 |
Parliamentary group: |
Parliamentary delegations: |
Parliamentary friendship groups: |
Parliamentary activity in figures: |
Speaches: | 15 (in 15 plenary sittings) | Legislative initiatives: | 25, din care 8 promulgate legi | |
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