You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2008-2012 > Chamber of Deputies > Committees > Drepturile omului Printable version

Position Deputy Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Păun Nicolae Mino.  
2. Vice-Chairpersons Dugulescu Marius Cristinel non-attached  
3. Secretaries Postolachi Florin PD-L  
4. Members Florea Damian PNL 08.03.2011
5.   Lubanovici Mircea PD-L  
6.   Riviș-Tipei Lucian PD-L  
7.   Udrea Elena Gabriela PD-L 08.03.2011
8.   Varga Attila UDMR  

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Deputy Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Secretaries Andon Sergiu PNL 11.09.2012

Former members of the committee
Deputy Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Andon Sergiu PNL   11.09.2012
2. Ciuhodaru Tudor Prog. 08.03.2011 27.03.2012
3. Grama Horia PSD 08.03.2011 21.02.2012
4. Motreanu Dan-Ștefan PNL   16.09.2009
5. Ponta Victor-Viorel PSD   27.10.2009
6. Pop Virgil PNL   22.05.2012
7. Stroe Mihai PD-L   07.12.2010
8. Știrbu Gigel-Sorinel PNL   22.05.2012
9. Uioreanu Horea-Dorin PNL 22.05.2012 26.06.2012

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 15 january 2025, 8:32