You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2012-2016 > Parliament of Romania > Committees > Statut Printable version

Position Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Niculescu Duvăz Bogdan Nicolae
chairperson since 3 mar. 2015
deputy PSD 02.03.2015
2. Vice-Chairpersons Ibram Iusein deputy Minoritati  
3. Secretaries Toader Mircea-Nicu
secretary since 7 apr. 2015
deputy PNL 01.04.2015
4. Members Fenechiu Cătălin-Daniel deputy PNL  
5.   Grapă Sebastian senator non-attached 07.04.2015
6.   Iordache Florin deputy PSD 16.09.2015
7.   Márton Árpád-Francisc deputy UDMR 22.01.2013

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Chairperson Vlase Petru Gabriel deputy PSD 02.03.2015
2. Secretaries Taloș Mirel deputy ALDE 01.04.2015

Former members of the committee
Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Adam Ioan deputy PSD   19.01.2015
2. Ghișe Ioan senator PLC   07.04.2015
3. Greblă Toni senator non-attached   18.12.2013
4. Muntean Mircia deputy PSD   28.06.2016
5. Necula Cosmin deputy PSD 05.02.2013 16.09.2015
6. Stanciu Anghel deputy PSD   05.02.2013
7. Taloș Mirel deputy ALDE   01.04.2015
8. Vlase Petru Gabriel deputy PSD   02.03.2015

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania saturday, 18 january 2025, 21:40