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Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Funar Gheorghe
chairperson since 6 dec. 2008
PRM 06.12.2008
2. Vice-Chairpersons Fekete Szabó Andras Levente
vice-chairperson since 12 sep. 2005
UDMR 12.09.2005
3. Secretaries Jurcan Dorel
secretary since 24 sep. 2007
PD-L 24.09.2007
4. Members Apostol Neculai non-attached  
5.   Arion Viorel PD-L  
6.   Copos Gheorghe PC 13.09.2007
7.   Lupoi Mihail PNL  
8.   Mărășescu Nicolae PSD 11.02.2008
9.   Rădoi Ovidiu PD-L 19.09.2005
10.   Savu Daniel PSD 10.12.2007

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Chairperson Dina Carol PRM 06.12.2008
2. Vice-Chairpersons Pete Ștefan UDMR 12.09.2005
3. Secretaries Antonie Ștefan-Mihail PD-L 24.09.2007
4.   Popescu Ionel PD-L 19.09.2005

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Antonie Ștefan-Mihail PD-L   24.09.2007
2. Berceanu Radu Mircea PD-L 08.02.2007 14.04.2008
3. Copos Gheorghe PC 07.09.2006 04.06.2007
4. Crețu Ovidiu Teodor PSD 01.02.2005 11.02.2008
5. Dina Carol PRM   06.12.2008
6. Dumitru Constantin PD-L 10.09.2007 13.09.2007
7. Filipescu Teodor PSD 18.09.2006 10.12.2007
8. Pete Ștefan UDMR   12.09.2005
9. Popescu Ionel PD-L   19.09.2005
10. Rădulescu Cristache PD-L   08.02.2007
11. Simionescu Aurel Gabriel PSD   10.02.2004
12. Steriu Valeriu-Andrei PSD   01.02.2005
13. Stoica Ilie PNL 04.06.2007 10.09.2007
14. Șereș Ioan-Codruț PC   07.09.2006
15. Toma Ion PSD 10.02.2005 18.09.2006

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania monday, 20 january 2025, 15:03