You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2008-2012 > Chamber of Deputies > Committees > Abuzuri Printable version

Position Deputy Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Stan Ioan PSD  
2. Vice-Chairpersons Gurzău Adrian PD-L  
3.   Iordache Luminița
vice-chairperson since 27 apr. 2011
4.   Popa Octavian-Marius
vice-chairperson since 1 jun. 2010
5. Secretaries Boabeș Dumitru
secretary since 4 may 2010
6.   Coclici Radu Eugeniu PSD  
7. Members Brînză William Gabriel PD-L  
8.   Damian Ioan PSD 03.05.2010
9.   Marian Dan Mihai PD-L 08.03.2011
10.   Stan Nicolae PSD 18.10.2011
11.   Uricec Eugen Constantin PSD 08.03.2011

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Deputy Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Vice-Chairpersons Gorghiu Alina-Ștefania PNL 12.05.2010
2. Secretaries Iordache Luminița Prog. 04.05.2010

Former members of the committee
Deputy Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Boldea Mihail non-attached   04.03.2009
2. Borbély László UDMR 08.02.2010 08.05.2012
3. Farago Petru UDMR   08.02.2010
4. Gorghiu Alina-Ștefania PNL   12.05.2010
5. Sava Andrei-Valentin PSD   04.03.2009
6. Tița-Nicolescu Gabriel PD-L 22.12.2009 17.03.2010
7. Țintean Ioan PNL   04.03.2009
8. Udrea Elena Gabriela PD-L 15.04.2009 08.03.2011

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 15 january 2025, 15:29