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Legislature 2008-2012
Full name Party
Elections End of the
1. Ghiță-Eftemie Stelian PDL
2. Stoica Mihaela PDL
3. Tărâță Culiță
until 5.07.2012
PSD   Indep.
4. Neculai Marius PDL   Indep.
5. Munteanu Ioan PSD
6. Surdu-Soreanu Raul-Victor
until 7.04.2011
substitute by
Rădulescu Adrian
since 5.09.2011
7. Rogin Marius PDL
8. Bostan Emil PNL   Indep.
6. Dumitrescu Liana
until 27.01.2011
6. Vainer Aurel FCER
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania saturday, 18 january 2025, 1:43