Aurel Vlãdoiu Aurel Vlãdoiu
Questions & Interpellations
You are here: Home page > Parliamentary Business > Q & I > 521B/04-10-2005

Anularea sau reducerea semnificativã a taxelor impuse consiilor locale prin Hotãrârea Consiliului de Administraþie al Companiei Naþionale de Autostrãzi ºi Drumuri Naþionale nr.5/28.05.2005.

Information regarding the interpellation
Recording no.: 521B
Recording date: 04-10-2005
Presentation date: 03-10-2005
Forwarding date: 05-10-2005
Addresing mode: written
More information on the minute of the Chamber of Deputies' meeting of 03.10.2005
or see the video recording of the meeting
Author: Aurel Vlãdoiu - member of the Chamber of Deputies PSD
Interpellation for: Ministerul Transporturilor ºi Infrastructurii
in attention: domnului Gheorghe Dobre - Ministru
PDF file
Requested answer: written and oral
Information regarding the answer
Recording no.: 8107
Recording date: 24-10-2005
Answer type: written
Answer from: Ministerul Transporturilor ºi Infrastructurii
comunicat de: domnul Gheorghe Dobre - Ministru
PDF file
Adresse postale: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucarest, Roumanie jeudi, 23 janvier 2025, 6:17