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Duties and activities of the General Secretariat

The activity of the General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies is designed to help the functions and duties of the Chamber of Deputies to be carried out; it is run by the secretary general of the Chamber of Deputies.

The General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies shall provide the organisational and material conditions, and the specialized assistance for the preparing and progress of the parliamentary activity at its headquarters and in the constituencies.

The Standing Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies shall run and control the activity of the General Secretariat.

The General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies shall perform the following main activities:

  1. providing the conditions for the preparing and progress of the parliamentary proceedings;
  2. establishing the necessary financial, material, and human resources, and their usage, according to the law;
  3. drawing up the proposals concerning the relations with the public authorities, domestic and international organizations, and obtaining the approvals, based on competences;
  4. exercising the internal control;
  5. managing the goods and ancillary services.

The activities of the General Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies for the preparation and progress of the parliamentary proceedings shall consist of:

  1. providing and ensuring the conditions for adequate proceedings of the meetings of the Chamber of Deputies and of the two Chambers, as the case may be; providing the records of draft laws and other documents which are to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies.
  2. providing specialised assistance for the debate of the draft laws in the plenum of the Chamber of Deputies, or the plenum of the two Chambers, as the case may be; processing or drawing up the draft laws and laws, respectively, based on the texts adopted by the plenum of the Chambers of Deputies, or the plenum of the two Chambers, as the case may be; keeping records of such documents;
  3. providing specialised assistance for the activity of the parliamentary committees;
  4. providing specialised assistance and secretarial activity for the Standing Bureau and the Agenda Committee.
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 15 january 2025, 20:39